Online week 2 - This weeks' work

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a great extra long weekend.

Welcome to the second week of your online learning experience. I hope that you found the first week straightforward and easy to navigate the lessons. Remember, send me an email if there are any questions, issues or concerns.

For both Grade 8 and Grade 9, there are tasks that you MUST SUBMIT as formative assessment for this week.

For Grade 8, this is a very easy lab task. You need to write a hypothesis, upload a photograph of your results and answer 4 questions. This will all be submitted via a Google Form.

For Grade 9, this is an entry slip that will quiz the work from last week.

Grade 8 Science

Lesson 1 - 60 minutes (link to the Uses of Fluids quiz) - this quiz should be finished by Friday.
Lesson 2 - 30 minutes
Lesson 3 - 60 minutes (link to Google Form to upload formative assessment)

Note: the Chromatography task is due by Monday 20th April. On Monday, I will touch base with any student who has not completed the task.

Answers to questions asked in each lesson will be posted by Friday morning.

Grade 9 Science

Weekly lesson - 2.5 hours (contains links to formative entry slip)

Answers to any questions asked in these lessons will be posted by Friday morning.

Optional Google Meet Q&A sessions on Thursday 

11.00am-11.30am (Grade 8)  

1.00pm-1.30pm (Grade 9)

Check your emails for codes 

(there will not be a link via a Calendar invite)


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