Google Meet codes for online learning

 Hi everyone,

We will be having regular Google Meet sessions. The codes for each session will be the same, but will be unique for each class that I teach.

Have a look below to find your class and see your code:

7-19 (Math and Science): MrsNovakSmath7-19

8-31: MrsNovakScience8-31

8-34: MrsNovakScience8-34

8-39: MrsNovakScience8-39

9-23: MrsNovakScience9-23

9-24: MrsNovakScience9-24

You can copy and paste these codes directly into the Google Meet by following these steps in Google Meet (not directly from this blog):

Step 1: Click on 'Join or start a meeting'

Step 2: Paste or type the code directly into the box:

See you all on Monday in our first Google Meet session.


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