Week 4: Monday 28th September - Friday 2nd October

 Hello everyone, 

Please see below the lesson sequences for the coming week:

Grade 7 Math

Monday - Area of a Triangle and Parallelogram and worksheet

Tuesday - complete area of triangle and parallelogram

Wednesday - Area of a circle (slides 21-23 of the presentation) and worksheet

Thursday - Place Value and Rounding and worksheet

Friday -  Adding and Subtracting decimals and worksheet

Grade 7 Science

Monday - Introduction to Interactions and Ecosystems

Tuesday - Needs of living things (complete presentation from yesterday)

Wednesday - Adaptationsexamples and worksheet

Thursday - Adaptations worksheet 

Friday - 'Create a Creature' task (Summative Task - Due Friday next week) - more help available with the submission template and checklist

Grade 8 Science

Monday - Use of Fluids and Classifying Substances

Tuesday - Separating Mixtures and Writing a Procedure (formative task)

Wednesday - Complete procedure (due on Friday)

Thursday - Chromatography Lab (formative task)

Friday - Complete Chromatography Lab task (due on Monday)

Grade 9 Science

Monday - Classification of Living Things

Tuesday - What is a species?

Wednesday - How are Humans classified?

Thursday - Ravine Field Trip 

Friday - Ravine Field Trip Classification Task (summative task - Due on next Friday)

Note: The Ravine Field Trip will take place in a double lesson on Thursday (9-24) and Friday (9-23) during your Science and Math lessons. You will make up your math lesson by having a double Math lesson on Friday (9-24) and Thursday (9-23). Please bring with you a hat, drink bottle, appropriate clothing for cold weather, a camera (either phone or digital camera) and paper/pens to make notes.


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