Week 3: Monday 21st September - Thursday 24th September

 Hello everyone, 

Please see below the lesson sequence for this week. As many of my classes move into their new unit of work, please be aware that lessons will be updated and posted throughout the week. Depending on how well classes move through the lesson content, the sequence of lessons is always subject to change.

Grade 7 Science

Monday - Lab Skills Quiz and finish safety poster

Tuesday - Introduction to Rotocopter lab task 

Wednesday - Rotocopter lab

Thursday - Rotocopter lab DUE 

Grade 7 Math

Monday - Constructing bisectors and perpendicular lines plus worksheet 1 and worksheet 2

Tuesday - Complete constructions worksheets from Monday

Wednesday - Note: No math today - working on Rotocopter Lab

Thursday - Perimeter 

Grade 8 Science

Monday - Misleading Data

Tuesday - WHMIS Kahoot!

Wednesday - Introduction to Mix 'n' Flow and the Particle Model 

Thursday - Ooblek Lab 

Grade 9 Science

Monday - Misleading Data

Tuesday - WHMIS Kahoot!

Wednesday and Thursday - Introduction to Biodiversity 


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