Welcome back!

Hi everyone,

This is just a quick post to touch base and check in on you all. How are you all going? I hope you were able to relax and refresh over Spring Break. The times ahead are certainly very different, but we are all here for you, so just take things one day at a time.

You will soon be receiving emails from school about what learning will look like in the coming weeks. However, for my science classes, all the information you will need (instructions for lessons, content and assessment) will be posted on this blog, so stay tuned!

If you have assessment still to submit ("Follow Your Food" for Grade 8 and the Genetics problems plus the "Racing Extinction" task for Grade 9, you can still submit these to my email. Any questions can be posted on this blog or emailed to me and I will respond as soon as I can.

Keep safe and stay indoors, everyone! We've got this!! (*insert fist bump here*)


  1. Are we going to have a google classroom or something?

    1. Hi there, this is something that I will be working on. However, for the most part, all lessons will be posted on this blog. This will be the main point of information, so keep checking regularly for updates.


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