Monday 24th February
Year 8 Science
Students learnt about diffusion and osmosis in preparation for their lab this week. The lab will be completed in class and submitted for feedback on Friday (the same day as the Topic 1 and 2 Quiz). See blog post from Friday 21st February for an outline of revision topics for the quiz.
Year 9 Science
Students are continuing to work through the various Biodiversity Stations this week. The workbook will be completed in class and submitted on Friday. A comment about how well the workbook has been completed will be made. Students will then be preparing for their Quiz (which will be held on Thursday 5th March). The below topics and concepts will be assessed in the quiz:
- Definitions of key terms, such as asexual, sexual, mitosis, meiosis, gamete, zygote, chromosome, somatic, natural selection, sexual dimorphism, taxonomy, classification, species, genus, food web, consumer, producer, adaptation, variation
- comparing asexual and sexual reproduction (advantages, disadvantages, genetics of offspring, number of offspring produced, examples of organisms)
- genetic technologies
- comparing mitosis and meiosis as an explanation of the process, number of chromosomes in final cells, purpose of the process, types of cells in the body)
- Comparing artificial and natural selection for reproduction (explanation of processes, end results in terms of adaptations, examples of organisms.
Students should work through their workbook and ask questions about any concepts of which they are unsure.
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