Week 16 - January 4 to January 8, 2021
Welcome back students! Ms. MacDonald is back and looking forward to working with everyone. We will continue to use this blog site as well as the Google Meet codes that Mrs. Novak has set up for this week (Week 16) but you are encourage to visit and bookmark Ms. MacDonald's blog so that you are ready to transition there next week (Week 17)
Ms. MacDonald's Science Classes - https://msmacdonaldscience.blogspot.com
Grade 7 Math
Monday - Probability Experiments (live lesson with Ms. MacDonald)
Tuesday and Wednesday - Probability Experiment Student Activity: complete one of the following assignments based on your comfort with the content covered in the Probability Unit
Best for students who need a challenge/feel very comfortable with the unit concepts:
Best for students who require some additional practice with the unit concepts:
Best for students who have been working with adapted assignments:
Thursday - Finishing and submitting your probability lab. Use the following form - you can go back and edit your responses if needed by clicking on the link after you have submitted it and choosing edit responses. Please make sure you have submitted your lab by Monday.
Probability Extension Questions (only do if done assignment)
Friday - no math class today - only science
Grade 7 Science
Monday - 1.3 Reproduction of Seed Plants: Part 1 The Life Cycle of Seed Plants
Tuesday - 1.3 Reproduction of Seed Plants: Part 2 The Reproduction of Seed Plants
Wednesday - 1.3 Reproduction of Seed Plants: Part 3 Reproduction without Seeds,
Thursday - no science class today, only math
Friday - Friday Feedback Form
1.4 Plant Structures Are Adapted to Their Environment
Grade 8 Science
Monday - Introduction to the Respiratory System (Activity #1 - Respiratory System Basics and Activity #2 - Understanding the Process of Breathing)
Tuesday - Finish work from Monday's lesson + Activity #3 - The Process of Gas Exchange
Wednesday - Entry Slip - Respiratory Systems Check Point
then finish work on the Respiratory System (Activity #3)
Thursday - Start working on the Circulatory System
Friday - Friday Feedback Form
Grades will not be posted in Powerschool for this assessment but will be available for you to view at the end of the day. This is a formative assessment to help me and you gauge where you are at with the material.
When done, please make sure you are caught up on all the activities from this week.
All done? Check out this interactive on the heart to understand where the blood is flowing:
Grade 9 Science
Monday - Naming Compounds Review
Tuesday - Introduction to the Bohr Model Class Notes
Wednesday - The Lewis Model Notes.
Then complete the following activities:
Thursday - Complete the following activities about how electron configurations help to explain reactivity.
Using Bohr and Lewis Diagram Activities
Friday - Friday Feedback Form
Grades will not be posted in Powerschool for this assessment but will be available for you to view at the end of the day. This is a formative assessment to help me and you gauge where you are at with the material.
When complete - finish activities from earlier this week
If all done, read your textbook pg. 144-147 for an introduction to our next topic.
There is no probability lab b