Week 5: Monday 5th October - Friday 9th October
Grade 7 Science Monday - Work on ' Create a Creature ' from last Friday (task due next Tuesday) Tuesday - Work on ' Create a Creature ' (task due next Tuesday) Wednesday - Symbiosis and worksheet and start assignment (bring tech to class if possible) Thursday - Complete Symbiosis research assignment (bring tech to class if possible) Friday - Staff Only Day Grade 7 Math - Note: Mathletics login details sent home today Monday - Subtracting by borrowing negatives and worksheet Tuesday - Multiplying Decimals and Mental Math and worksheet Wednesday - Long division (video/explanation in class) and worksheet Thursday - Dividing decimals and worksheet Friday - Staff Only Day Grade 8 Science Monday - Solutions, Suspensions and Colloids Lab (summative task Due Tuesday next week) Documents for the lab: procedure , presentation , marking criter...