Week 10: Monday 9th November to Friday 13th November
Hello everyone, Please see the lesson sequence for the coming week: Grade 7 Science Monday - Cycles in an Ecosystem ( Water and Carbon Cycles) Tuesday - Main Revision sheet (plus optional extra Revision 1 and Revision 2 ) Wednesday - REMEMBRANCE DAY - No school Thursday - Topic 1 and 2 Quiz (code required to complete quiz) Friday - Graphing exercise Grade 7 Math Monday - Fraction basics and worksheet Tuesday - Adding and Subtracting (like denominators) and worksheet Wednesday - REMEMBRANCE DAY - No school Thursday - Science quiz (no Math today) Friday - Word Problems and worksheet Grade 8 Science - NOTE: Unit Final MONDAY 16th November Monday - Topic 3 Quiz LINKS FOR GRADE 8 QUIZZES Quiz 1 (understanding) and Quiz 2 (analysing) (you MUST complete BOTH quizzes) If you usually complete an adapted task , complete the TWO quizzes below: Quiz 1 (adapted understanding)...